Brian Grogan

Corporate Finance Associate


What I Do

Professional Qualifications

I have passed Levels 1 & 2 of the CFA exams, scoring in the 90th percentile both times. These exams focus on a wide range of topics, including Quants, Economics, Fixed Income, Portfolio Management, Valuations, Derivatives and Alternative Investments. I am also on route to becoming a Chartered Accountant in March 2025. I have passed all 3 Levels of exams, and will qualify once the relevant required work experience is completed.

Corporate Finance

Experience in one of the world's largest professional services firms - Deloitte - providing Private Equity clients with asset management services. Responsible for the management of a portfolio of assignments, and the preparation & management of financial data. I assist in developing strategic solutions to complex structures and issues, to maximise the asset realisations for creditors. I have also played supporting roles in Liquidations & Examinerships.

Programming & AWS

Ability to build secure and robust solutions using architectural design principles. I have completed the AWS Solutions Architect-Asscociate & Cloud Practitioner qualifications, with a comprehensive understanding of AWS services and associated technologies. Experience with Javascript, C & SQL. I have included below a selection of my work to date, including a Weather App, a To-Do List and the backend infrastructure for a peer-to-peer social marketplace.

Visit My Programming Work

Who I am

Coporate Finance Associate

I am based in Dublin and hold a First Class Honours degree in Commerce from University College Dublin. I am currently studying towards the CFA Qualification and have recently completed my final admittance exam for Chartered Accountants Ireland.

After university, I began studying Web Development and Cloud Technologies, completing exams in AWS cloud products. I find enjoyment from operating outside my comfort zone, and derive satisfaction from learning new concepts and technologies.

I take pleasure from building and maintaining interpesonal relationships, with a background working in customer & client facing roles.

Selection of Work to Date

Marketplace Backend

Weather App

Todo-list App